A Guest Post with Anita Wilt
As many of my blog readers know, my wife is my Spiritual Director in one key area of my formation as a Christian and as a human being. It is through her role modeling, and daily coaching, that I am learning the raw power of expressing thankfulness in all circumstances. This brief guest post, written by her, should become a must-read for any human being wanting thanksgiving to become their new normal. Please share it with friends. I commend her unique voice to you.

The Reframe
How God’s Love Changes What We See
By Anita Wilt
Recently I replaced the frame of a piece of art that’s been hanging in our home since we were married.
The old frame was ‘tired’ and made the art seem likewise. The new frame was a great improvement.
Reframing that art got me thinking. What was inside the frame did not change, but with a different frame around it, the artwork took on a new look; the actual art was not altered, but its appearance was.
Thanks to the new frame, the art had taken on new life.